EDR Content


The N2CUG application creates EDRs for the following Event Types:

Common Format

The configuration parameters for configuring EDR output including filename structure and location is defined in the configuration documentation for the EdrApp which is a base component provided by the n2svcd package.

All N2CUG EDRs are generated by the EdrApp application using its file and record formatting rules.

Refer to the n2svcd base documentation for more details on configuring and managing EDR streams and the format of N-Squared EDRs.


N2CUG creates CUG_LOOKUP EDRs when a CUG query is successfully performed as part of CUG library usage.

Note that if no CUG user was found, no fields will be included for CUG matches or CUG lists.

Attribute Type Description
USER Boolean [Always Present] 1 if a CUG user was found, otherwise 0.
U_IN String [Always Present] The input value for the user in the CUG lookup.
USCA Boolean [Always Present] 1 if the CUG user lookup allowed a match to be made on short codes, otherwise 0.
M_IN String [Always Present] The input value for the match in the CUG lookup.
MSCA Boolean [Always Present] 1 if the CUG match lookup allowed a match to be made on short code, otherwise 0.
U_NUM String [Present If User Found] The user number found in the CUG lookup. Note that this may be different to the match number initially provided for the CUG query.
G_ID Integer [Present If User Found] The database ID of the CUG group for the CUG user.
GROUP String [Present If User Found] The name of the CUG user’s CUG group
U_ID Integer [Present If User Found] The database ID of the CUG user.
U_SHORT String [Present If User Found] The short code of the CUG user.
U_LONG String [Present If User Found] The long number of the CUG user.
U_LN Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if the CUG user was found by long number, otherwise 0.
U_PREF Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if the CUG user was found by prefix, otherwise 0.
U_RANGE Integer [Present If User Found] The range size of the CUG user.
U_ORIG_ON Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if the CUG user is allowed to make calls within the CUG group, otherwise 0.
U_ORIG_OFF Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if the CUG user is allowed to make calls outside the CUG group, otherwise 0.
U_TERM_ON Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if the CUG user is allowed to receive calls from within the CUG group, otherwise 0.
U_TERM_OFF Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if the CUG user is allowed to receive calls from outside the CUG group, otherwise 0.
MATCH Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if a CUG match was found, otherwise 0.
M_ID Integer [Present If Match Found] The database ID of the CUG match user.
M_SHORT String [Present If Match Found] The short code of the CUG match user.
M_LONG String [Present If Match Found] The long number of the CUG match user.
M_LN Boolean [Present If Match Found] 1 if the match was made against long number, otherwise 0.
M_PREF Boolean [Present If Match Found] 1 if the match was made by prefix, otherwise 0.
M_RANGE Integer [Present If Match Found] The range size of the CUG match user.
M_VIRTUAL Boolean [Present If Match Found] 1 if the CUG match user is virtual, otherwise 0.
M_SC_DISP Boolean [Present If Match Found] 1 if the caller shortcode was sent for presentation in the Connect messages, otherwise 0.
LIST Boolean [Present If User Found] 1 if a match was made to a blacklist or a whitelist, otherwise 0.
L_DENY Boolean [Present If List Applies] 1 if the applicable list disallows the call attempt, otherwise 0.
L_WHITE Boolean [Present If List Applies] 1 if the applicable list is a whitelist, otherwise 0.
L_ID Integer [Present If List Blocks/Allows] The database ID of the applicable list entry number.
L_NUM String [Present If List Blocks/Allows] The match number found in the list lookup. Note that this may be different to the match number initially provided for the CUG query.
L_PREF Boolean [Present If List Blocks/Allows] 1 if the applicable list match was made by prefix, otherwise 0.

For further information on CUG concepts, refer to the CUG functionality overview.

CUG_SVC Event Type EDRs

N2CUG creates CUG_SVC EDRs as part of service library run-time handling through any of the CUG protocol handlers

Attribute Type Description
ACTION String [Always Present] The SVC rule action applied.
CONFIG String The selected CUG configuration name, if any.
OUTCOME String The CUG outcome, if any.
(variables) (various) As for the N2SVCD rule engine variable management.