FCI/SCI Messages

As part of handling action rules, a pre-configured FurnishChargingInformation or SendChargingInformation message may be sent. Such messages are configured with a name so that they may be invoked by the applicable action rules.

Both FCI and SCI messages will only be sent when call connection or an announcement occurs. If both an FCI and an SCI are specified, only the SCI will apply.

A sample FCI/SCI configuration might be:

<global name="SCIS" type="array">
    <!-- 01 65 00  # value -->
    <sci name="sci-1">016500</sci>
    <!-- 01 65 01  # value -->
    <sci name="sci-2">016501</sci>

<global name="FCIS" type="array">
        # constructed, tag 0 (fCIBCCCAMELsequence1), length 15
        a0 0f
            # primitive, tag 0 (freeFormatData), length 8
            80 08
                # value
                12 34 56 78 90 ab cd ef
        # constructed, tag 1 (partyToCharge), length 3
        a1 03
            # primitive, tag 0 (sendingSideID), length 1
            80 01
                # value
    <fci name="fci-x">a00f80081234567890abcdefa103800101</fci>

In the above, three FCI/SCI messages are defined and would have the following configuration:

Name Data
sci-1 Charging characteristics 0x016500, party to charge 01.
sci-2 Charging characteristics 0x016501, party to charge 01.
fci-x Freeform hexadecimal data 0x1234567890abcdef, party to charge 01.

Configuration Details

Each fci or sci definition can support the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
name String [Required] The unique name for this FCI/SCI message, as referred to in action rules.
(data) Hexadecimal String The hexadecimal data of the message. For SCI messages, this is the content of the sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics field, and the partyToCharge.sendingSideID accompanying it is always set to 01. For FCI messages, this is the entire FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics field. In the latter case, some INAP variants (e.g. CAMEL) specify that this field is further divided into sub-fields, e.g. fCIBCCCAMELsequence1, as per the example above.