SCP Parameters

SCP Parameters

Several simple parameters are available to configure N2IWF general behaviour for handling CAMEL/INAP calls. Each parameter is specified as a LogicApp service global variable. These parameters are all simple definitions, not complex types or N2SVCD rule engine rulesets.

Parameter Type Description
FORCE_CONNECT Boolean Determines if a Connect message should always be sent for call continuation. If this is not set to true, a Continue will be used wherever possible, with Connect only being used in cases where additional information is required, e.g. when the destination address has changed or the calling party number must be shown on a terminating leg.
(Default: false)
CONNECT_INCREMENT_REDIRECTION Boolean Whether to increment the received redirection information counter in Connect messages when number translation or redirection occurs. This parameter has no effect if the LhoScpApp application configuration parameter connect_send_redirection is not enabled.
(Default: true)
NO_ANSWER_SECONDS Boolean The number of seconds to send to the network for no answer timeout during call setup. If not specified or set to 0, no value will be sent and the switch default handling will apply.
(Default: not set, switch default handling applies)
TIME_MISMATCH_MODE Boolean The time reported to the OCS for a call is taken straight from the value provided by the serving switch. However, this value may sometimes not actually reflect the elapsed wall time, particularly when dealing with roaming partners. These situations can be highlighted for reporting purposes using this parameter when the mismatch is outside the allowable variance given by the TIME_MISMATCH_GRACE_SECONDS parameter. Possible values are:
  • ignore: ignore mismatches between the network-reported time and the measured time.
  • warn_only: raise a warning-level alarm with details of the time mismatch.
  • edr_only: write a PROBLEM EDR
  • record: performs the actions for both warn_only and edr_only.
(Default: record)
TIME_MISMATCH_GRACE_SECONDS Boolean The number of seconds of variation that is allowable when comparing the reported time from the network against the wall clock time. This parameter has no effect if the TIME_MISMATCH_MODE parameter is set to ignore.
(Default: 1)

Note that a GRACE EDR is not created for time mismatches, as the time was not granted by the N2IWF.