Post-Call Rules

Post-Call Rules

Post-call rules may be defined to control DSG-SCP behaviour at the conclusion of a call when either the calling or called party has released the call.

An example post-call processing configuration might be:

          <rule edp="rsf" action="release" cause="15" />                                 
          <rule edp="busy" action="release" cause="edp" />                   
          <rule tag="network" value="roaming" action="continue" notification="notf1" />                  
          <rule tag="network" value="home" action="announcement_continue"
                srf_name="OnSwitch" announcement_id="3" />                                              

Note that this processing applies only after the actions continue or continue_period have been applied.

Configuration Details

Each rule can support the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
action String [Required] The action to take when this rule is matched. Possible values are shown under Post-Call Rule Actions.
tag String [Conditional] The tag name to match the value for If tag is present, value must also be present.
tag_x String [Conditional] As for tag, but with x representing a unique pairing, e.g. tag_1 or tag_a. A matching value_x must also be present.
value (various) [Conditional] The string or integer value to match against during rule selection. Required when tag is present.
value_x (various) [Conditional] As for value, but with x representing a unique pairing, e.g. value_1 or value_a. A matching tag_x must also be present.
originating Boolean Whether this rule applies for originating calls.
(Default: true)
forwarding Boolean Whether this rule applies for forwarding calls.
(Default: true)
terminating Boolean Whether this rule applies for terminating calls.
(Default: true)
cause Integer The release cause to send to the network if the action releases the call. May be specified as edp in order to pass through the received EDP cause from the network, if any.
(Default: 31)
announcement_id Integer [Required with action = announcement_release or announcement_connect] The announcement ID to play to the caller, if appropriate to the action.
announcement_source String The tag to use as the announcement ID to play to the caller, if appropriate to the action. If no value or a non-numeric value is found, announcement_id will be used instead.
srf_name String [Required with action = announcement_release or announcement_connect] The SRF name (as configured in the ScpApp) to use to play an announcement to the caller, if appropriate to the action.
srf_source String The tag to use as the SRF name to use to play an announcement to the caller, if appropriate to the action. If no value or a non-numeric value is found, srf_name will be used instead.
divert_to String [Required with action = connect or announcement_connect] The normalised destination digits to connect the call to, if approrpiate to the action.
notification String A notification message name to send when this rule applies.
fci or sci String An FCI or SCI message name to send when this rule applies. Only available for certain actions.
edp String Whether this rule applies only when a specific EDP has been received. If defined, must be a valid EDP name.
(Default: match all EDPs)
edp_cause String Whether this rule applies only when a specific EDP cause has been received.
(Default: match all EDP causes)
(other available fields) (various) Any number of selector rule available fields.

Note that, unlike other selector rules, the call state selectors at_initial, at_update, and at_terminate are not permitted, as post-call processing can only occur at the end of a call.

EDP Names

Post-call rules may specify which Event Detection Points to match on. Valid EDP names are:

Post-Call Rule Actions

Each post-call rule must specify a single action to take when a rule is matched during processing.

Note that all post-call rules are only applicable after the call has been completed (whether successfully or unsuccessfully).

No action will be performed if the calling party is no longer connected (but other non-telephony parameters such as notification may still apply).

The following actions are available:

Action Possible
FCI/SCI? Description
continue - No Allow the call to continue as usual. This is functionally identical to the release action.
release cause No Release the call immediately with the given cause.
connect divert_to Yes Terminate the call to the provided divert_to with no further rating interaction.
announcement_continue announcement_id
No Play the given announcement on the specified SRF (as configured under SRF Endpoints) and then apply handling as for continue.
announcement_release announcement_id
No Play the given announcement on the specified SRF (as configured under SRF Endpoints) and then apply handling as for release.
announcement_connect announcement_id
Yes Play the given announcement on the specified SRF (as configured under SRF Endpoints) and then apply handling as for connect.
abort - No Send a TC_ABORT to end the call immediately.