
These EDRs are generated when using the InitialDPSMS Lua Service to perform Lua-scripted control of CAP3+ SMS charging using InitialDPSMS and the other associated CAP3+ SMS charging operations.

The CAP3+ SMS EDR Event Types are:

Common Format

The configuration parameters for configuring EDR output including filename structure and location is defined in the configuration documentation for the EdrApp which is a base component provided by the n2svcd package.

All EDRs are written by the EdrApp application using its file and record formatting rules.

Refer to the n2svcd base documentation for more details on configuring and managing EDR streams, and on the syntax/encoding details for N-Squared EDRs.


The SMS-IDP EDR Event is generated when the InitialDPSMS Lua Service receives a valid TCAP BEGIN with a supported TCAP Application Context, and a well-formed InitialDPSMS operation.


2024-03-22 05:44:54.452<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711080307~55c433ec,kirby~Logic~1711080307~37323f16>SMS-IDP|CGPN=2349010000122:1:1

Field Type Description
LPC Integer SCCP Local Point Code of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS (if present).
LRI Integer SCCP Local Routing Indicator of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS.
LSSN Integer SCCP Local Sub-System Number of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS (if present).
LGTD Hex String SCCP Local Global Title Digits of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS (if present).
LTID Hex String TCAP Local transaction ID of the received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS.
RTID Hex String TCAP Remote transaction ID of the received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS.
RPC Integer SCCP Remote Point Code of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS (if present).
RRI Integer SCCP Remote Routing Indicator of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS.
RSSN Integer SCCP Remote Sub-System Number of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS (if present).
RGTD Hex String SCCP Remote Global Title Digits of received TCAP BEGIN containing the InitialDPSMS (if present).
SRN Hex String The SMS Reference Number (if any) of the InitialDPSMS-Arg.
DSN String Destination Subscriber Number as a concatenation (separated by :) from the InitialDPSMS-Arg:
  • destinationSubscriberNumber digits
  • destinationSubscriberNumber NOA
  • destinationSubscriberNumber NPI
DESTINATION String The normalised Destination Subscriber Number from the InitialDPSMS-Arg.
CGPN String Calling Party Number as a concatenation (separated by :) from the InitialDPSMS-Arg:
  • callingPartyNumber digits
  • callingPartyNumber NOA
  • callingPartyNumber NPI
CALLING String The normalised Calling Party Number from the InitialDPSMS-Arg.
TYPE COLLECTED / DELIVERY Identifies the Event Type SMS which triggered this processing.
COLLECTED is eventTypeSMS = 1 (Collected Info for SMS-MO) for submission to the SMSC from handset.
DELIVERY is eventTypeSMS = 11 (Delivery Requested for SMS-MT) delivery requested from SMSC to handset.
VARIANT camel3 / camel4 The CAMEL protocol variant identifier used for this transaction.


The SMS-SHUTDOWN EDR Event indicates that an InitialDPSMS service instance ended with an unhandled internal processing error. This EDR is generated independently of any other CAP3+ SMS EDRs associated with the call. In most cases, there will be other CAP3+ SMS EDRs associated with this instance containing additional protocol information.


2024-03-22 02:40:58.419<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711075018~575b5d6f,kirby~Logic~1711075018~6cb3ddf0>SMS-SHUTDOWN
|EXCEPTION=../lua/lib/n2/n2svcd.lua:913: Unsupported eventTypeSMS 12 on EventReportSMS %28CollectedInfo%29.

Field Type Description
EXCEPTION String [Always Present] Description of the reason for the unexpected instance shutdown.


The SMS-IDP-E EDR Event indicates that an InitialDPSMS service instance was handled by the service logic by our sending a ReturnError TCAP component in response.

In this case, no other TCAP was sent by us. The ReturnError is sent in a TCAP END message.


2024-03-22 05:44:41.432<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711080307~55c433e5,kirby~Logic~1711080307~37323f0f>SMS-IDP-E

Field Type Description
ERROR_CODE Integer [Always Present] The numeric Error Code value returned in the ReturnError component.


The SMS-END EDR Event indicates the sending or receiving of an empty TCAP END as the conclusion of the TCAP DIALOG.

This EDR is not present in cases where the TCAP END contained one or more components.


2024-03-22 05:44:41.432<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711080307~55c433e5,kirby~Logic~1711080307~37323f0f>SMS-END

Field Type Description
DIRECTION in / out [Always Present] Indicates if the empty TCAP END was inbound (to the service) or outbound (from the service).


The SMS-ABORT EDR Event indicates the sending or receiving of a TCAP ABORT to terminate the TCAP DIALOG.


2024-03-23 02:48:16.243<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711162094~4776b559,kirby~Logic~1711162094~2ef81b48>SMS-ABORT

Field Type Description
DIRECTION in / out [Always Present] Indicates if the TCAP ABORT was inbound (to the service) or outbound (from the service).


The SMS-RELEASE EDR Event indicates that the service sent a ReleaseSMS operation. This operation is always sent in a TCAP END.


2024-03-23 03:07:23.733<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711163127~3a8b0e78,kirby~Logic~1711163127~6f79e12a>SMS-RELEASE

Field Type Description
CAUSE Integer [Always Present] The numeric cause value sent in the ReleaseSMS operation parameter.


The SMS-TERMINATION EDR Event indicates that the service sent either a ContinueSMS or ConnectSMS operation for termination. There are two distinct scenarios in which this EDR is generated.


2024-03-23 03:30:09.407<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711164580~145367cb,kirby~Logic~1711164580~4a4a90ea>SMS-TERMINATION

2024-03-23 03:30:03.930<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711164580~145367c9,kirby~Logic~1711164580~4a4a90e8>SMS-TERMINATION

Field Type Description
FINAL 1 Present when ContinueSMS or ConnectSMS is sent in TCAP END without RequestReportSMSEvent.
ONGOING 1 Present when ContinueSMS or ConnectSMS is sent in TCAP CONTINUE with RequestReportSMSEvent.
ARM Array of Integer Present when RequestReportSMSEvent is sent. The list of EDP numbers armed in RequestReportSMSEvent.
2 = O-Failure, 3 = O-Submit/O-Submission, 12 = T-Failure, 13 = T-Delivery.
DESTINATION String The normalised destination subscriber number the SMS was sent to, present only when ConnectSMS is sent.
DSN String The denormalised destination subscriber number and TON, separated by :. Present only when ConnectSMS is sent.
CALLING String The normalised calling subscriber number, present only when ConnectSMS is sent and included only if requested by service logic.
CGN String The denormalised calling subscriber number and NOA, separated by :. Present only when ConnectSMS is sent and included only if requested by service logic.
SMSC String The normalised SMSC address, present only when ConnectSMS is sent and included only if requested by service logic.
SN String The denormalised SMSC address and NOA, separated by :. Present only when ConnectSMS is sent and included only if requested by service logic.


The SMS-TERMINATION-E EDR Event indicates that the SMSC sent a ReturnError component in response to a RequestReportSMSEvent, ContinueSMS, or ConnectSMS operation.

The OPCODE EDR field indicates which operation generated the error.


2024-03-23 03:29:50.916<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711164580~145367c2,kirby~Logic~1711164580~4a4a90e1>SMS-TERMINATION-E

Field Type Description
ERROR_CODE Integer The numeric error code reported in the ReturnError component.
OPCODE 63 / 65 Indicates which operation to which the ReturnError applies.
62 = ConnectSMS, 63 = RequestReportSMSEvent, 65 = ContinueSMS.


The SMS-EVENT EDR Event indicates that the SMSC sent an EventReportSMS operation in response to the RequestReportSMSEvent (with ContinueSMS or ConnectSMS) operation.

The EDP and REASON EDR fields indicate which event was reported.


2024-03-23 03:07:25.283<kirby~SIGTRAN-L~1711163127~3a8b0e79,kirby~Logic~1711163127~6f79e12b>SMS-EVENT

Field Type Description
EDP Integer The numeric event detection point number. This should/must be one of the armed EDP numbers.
2 = O-Failure, 3 = O-Submit/O-Submission, 12 = T-Failure, 13 = T-Delivery.
REASON Failure / Submitted / Delivered The associated reason string reported to the service logic when the event is reported.
"Submitted" is used only for SMS-MO, "Delivered" is used only for SMS-MT. "Failure" is used for both SMS-MO and SMS-MT.
Note that other reason strings, e.g. "Timeout" are used in non-event cases.