Flow Editor Configuration


Each customer uses the N2ACD platform differently. To support this, N2ACD’s flow editor supports the application wide configuration of a number of features. The following configuration files are of relevance when configuring the frontend flow editor functionality for N2ACD.

File or Directory Description
/etc/jarvis/n2acd-fe.xml This is the main configuration file for N2ACD's flow editor, and governs how the service will connect to the N2ACD database, login security groups, user interface configuration, branding and reCAPTCHA configuration.
/etc/httpd/conf.d/n2acd-fe.xml This is the main configuration file for Apache in configuring the access for N2ACD's flow editor via Apache. This should be updated to reflect the access rules and restrictions of N2ACD within your environment.

Note that this file should not be removed completely if its configuration is moved to other files (e.g. the ssl.conf file) - N2ACD installation updates would recreate this file if it does not exist.

/var/lib/n2acd-fe The base directory for any site specific files required, including branding and internationalisation (language translation) files.
/var/lib/n2acd-fe/license.xml The default directory for the N2ACD license file. This location may be overridden in the n2acd-fe.xml configuration file.
/var/lib/n2acd-fe/html/branding The directory where all localised branding files are stored. This includes any custom CSS and custom images.
/var/lib/n2acd-fe/html/branding/<brand>/i18n The directory where all translation files for each interface brand are stored.
/usr/share/n2acd The base directory for the N2ACD software.
/usr/share/n2acd/htdocs/i18n The distribution directory holding all translation files. The files in this directory can be used as the basis for any brand specific translation adjustments required.


A core configuration file, n2acd-fe.xml (or the equivalent environment specific version) is responsible for handling most web client interaction for N2ACD’s flow editor frontend. It does this via the Jarvis RESTful web services library.

For a full breakdown of the n2acd-fe.xml file, see the Jarvis development and configuration guide. Sections of this file relevant to N2ACD flow editor are covered in this guide, and are summarized below.

Flow Schedule Updates

The N2ACD Flow Editor GUI supports the automated rescheduling of flows that are updated by the restricted flow_operation_update groups. See the Application Security Groups for more information.

The flow_update_groups configuration is list of comma separated groups. If present when performing a flow update with a restricted flow_operation_update group any existing schedules or future schedules will be updated to the new flow version after save completion.

In this file the section:


by default no flow_update_groups is defined.

Configuration Sections

Name Description
Application Logging Application logging is covuered in the general configuration secution. More Information
Application Security API security is covered in the general configuration section. More Information
Branding N2ACD allows a single N2ACD instance to be branded in multiple ways, changing the default N2ACD theming depending on how N2ACD is accessed. More Information
Reporting Module N2ACD allows for the configuration of a reporting module that will interface with N2ACD and a reporting endpoint, giving users a mechanism by which they can generate reports on demand as well as schedule reports for future execution. More Information
Translations Allows for customers to override the textual defaults within N2ACD, independently for each configured host branding. This will allow customers to attribute their own meanings for text within N2ACD such as Control Plan vs. Flow. More Information