SRF Configuration


N2ACD supports configuration of both external SRF providers as well as the N-Squared IVR product.

SRF configuration is managed within the administration screens. Users with srp_read or srp_write can access the SRF administration screens.

There are two types of configurable SRFs:


General SRFs are SRFs that are provided by a third party provider. These SRFs purely configure announcements that map via an INAP message ID to an announcement that exists on a the third party SRF.

general srf screen

N2ACD does not maintain any state around the announcement files themselves nor offers any ability to upload and manage remote files for general SRFs. It is expected that the INAP message ID mapping is maintained between the two systems.

N-Squared IVR V4

The N-Squared IVR type supports the N2IVR product provided by N-Squared Software. This supports a deeper level of integration than general SRFs and allows for direct management of announcement audio files on the remote platform.

This allows users to:

n-squared srf screen

When configuring an N-Squared SRF additional configuration will need to be provided. These new fields control the connection information that is used to connect to the remote SRF.

Field Example Description
URL http://localhost The base path location of the remote SRF. This is where the remote N-Squared IVR Jarvis API can be found. This will be prepended onto all requests when attempting to perform remote actions on the remote SRF.
Username admin The username of the user to use when performing the remote SRF Jarvis login.
Note: This user should have permissions to create and manage announcements in the N-Squared IVR GUI.
Password <admin_user_password> The password of the user to use when performing the remote SRF Jarvis login.
Note: This value is encrypted when it is stored and will not be visible in the GUI once saved.
Enable SRF Audio Management for New Customers - Enabling this option will automatically enable audio management for new customers assigned to this SRF. This feature allows customers to edit their announcements via the N2ACD Flow Editor GUI.
Note: A customer may only manage their announcements for a single SRF at a time.

When assigning customer access either on customer creation or manually via the Customer Access tab self management for announcements may be enabled on a customer to customer basis.

n-squared srf customer access dialog

A customer may only ever have a single instance of Allow SRF Audio Management enabled at one time.

With SRF audio management enabled customers may manage their announcements via the N2ACD Flow Editor GUI; this allows the same creation, deletion and download features as the N2ACD administration screens.

Each customer has a maximum number of managed announcements that they may upload. This can be changed at any time by amended the customer access.