MiNiFi Installation


EDRs may be copied to the reporting node for processing by Apache MiNiFi, a smaller reimplementation of the full NiFi solution. MiNiFi focuses on data transfer from satellite systems to the main NiFi processing service.

MiNiFi supports both unencrypted and encrypted secure transmission between the service nodes and the reporting service. Transmission control is first configured in the NiFi user interface and then text-based configuration files are derived from the NiFi host and used by MiNiFi.

MiNiFi uses two or three TCP/IP connections for communication with the NiFi service, depending on this configuration. EDRs are sent over one of these paths and stored, via NiFi, on disk on the reporting server.

Operational users configure the NiFi service on the reporting service node, and configure both NiFi and MiNiFi manually.

Architecturally, the model is summarised by the following diagram:

MiNiFi Connecting to NiFi

Note that EDRs can be transferred to the main NiFi system using any relevant technology/facility - including manual SCP, scripts utilising SFTP etc. The MiNiFi solution described in this installation page is optional, and may be replaced with another solution if appropriate.


As with the Apache NiFi installation, N-Squared provide a wrapper package around the MiNiFi .zip distribution from Apache. Install MiNiFi from the N-Squared repository. Execute the instructions specific to your operating system:

RHEL 8 Other RPM-based Systems
sudo dnf install n2minifi-wrapper sudo yum install n2minifi-wrapper

Warning: The package installation will shut down Apache MiNiFi if it is running.

The Apache MiNiFi installation using the wrapper package will:

  1. Install Apache MiNiFi in subdirectories of /opt/minifi
  2. Configure Apache MiNiFi for execution via systemd as the service minifi.

The MiNiFi directory consists of the following important files and directories:

The Apache MiNiFi configuration is designed to only copy files from the local file system to the main Apache NiFi service installed on the ACD reporting service. This configuration is controlled by the configuration file /opt/minifi/conf/config.yml which is a YAML formatted file of a NiFi data processing pipeline.

This YAML file is exported from NiFi as an XML template, and converted using a MiNiFi tool. It can be edited to some extent manually, however major changes should be done in the NiFi GUI and the template re-exported and re-converted.

For more information on this process, see below.

EDR Transfer from N2SVCD

ACD EDRs are generated by n2svcd and stored in a local directory on disk. This may be a directory such as /app/edr or /edr. It is important this is not the same directory that is used by MiNiFi for reading EDRs - otherwise there is the risk that a file will be read while still being written by n2svcd.

Using a moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi service, the ACD MiNiFi installation will move ACD EDRs from this source directory to the input directory for Apache MiNiFi to read and process. The default directory is /opt/minifi/edr/input.

It is important to note that an EDR file that is successfully read by Apache MiNiFi will be deleted off disk, even if not yet copied from the SVC node to the reporting node. Apache MiNiFi has its own buffering and storage system for in-flight data which stores EDR files until the stream processing can be completed.

For this reason the moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi service will move the file from the source (where n2svcd saves it) to the MiNiFi input directory, and also can be configured to save a backup of this file in another directory (e.g. /opt/minifi/edr/backup)

To configure the service, the configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/system/moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi.service must be edited to configure the correct source for EDRs:

systemctl edit moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi.service --full

The default source directory is /var/log/n2svcd/edr. The default destination directory is /opt/minifi/edr/input.

Note that when using the backup mechanism of this service, be very aware of disk space. In a production system, insufficient disk space can lead to severe consquences for running services as the disk fills up with backup files.

Note that only files ending in .edr are moved between these directories, and files starting with . are ignored.

On first install, enable the script once configured:

systemctl enable moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi.service
systemctl start moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi.service

File Monitoring

The MiNiFi package also installs the monitorAndAuditFileChanges-minifi script. This can be configured and edited on the EDR source system as well:

systemctl edit monitorAndAuditFileChanges-minifi.service --full

This script must also be enabled after first install. Ensure it is run on startup:

systemctl enable monitorAndAuditFileChanges-minifi.service
systemctl start monitorAndAuditFileChanges-minifi.service

It is recommended this script is enabled and started as it can help audit and track file processing of EDRs through the system described by this installation documentation.

Creating the MiNiFi Processing Configuration

A default MiNiFi processing configuration is distributed with the minifi-wrapper package. This configuration consists of three components:

  1. The transfer of files from the service nodes to the reporting server.
  2. The receiving of files on the reporting server from the service nodes.
  3. The processing of received files.

In NiFi these three processes are organised into “Process Groups” in NiFi:

NiFi Process Groups

The MiNiFi File Push and MiNiFi File Receive groups are closely tied together. Together with the file on the reporting server, and on the service nodes, these processes have files transferred from the service nodes to the reporting server.

Each of the process groups must be imported as templates from the N2ACD reporting distribution first. To import each:

  1. Load the NiFi editor (e.g. and log in. If using the secure (HTTPS) configuration
  2. Using the small “Upload Template” icon from the overall “NiFi Flow” process group, open the template upload dialog. NiFi Template Upload Button
  3. Select from the file menu each process group being imported in turn. These are provided with the n2nifi-wrapper package and installed into /opt/nifi/install/conf.
  4. After the template has been uploaded, Drag the “template” node to the canvas, selecting the uploaded template you want to create.
  5. Make changes to the template as required (see below).

The “NiFi File Receive” Process Group

The NiFi File Receive Process Group first starts with a special NiFi processor called an Input Port. An input port defines a local destination that remote NiFi and MiNiFi instances can send data to.

NiFi File Receive

This group receives files from remote NiFi instances. NiFi has a correlation mechanism to correlate the input node with the output node used by the remote instance based on the iD (the GUID) of the node itself. The ID of the “MiNiFi EDR” input node is what is used by MiNiFi to determine what “input port” to send data to:

Input Port for NiFi - EDR receive

The PutFile node will write files immediately to disk. Actual processing is then done by reading these files back out from disk again (after they are copied from the receive directory to the input directory by the moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete service).

The PutFile node determines where the files are placed:

Where EDR files are placed

Note the use of the NiFi property #{EDR_RECEIVED_DIR} requires the use of a NiFi Parameter Context to define the environment value for this parameter.

The “MiNiFi File Push” Process Group

The NiFi File Push Process Group first starts with a special NiFi processor called an Remote Process Group. A remote process group is a placeholder processor that is part of the exported configuration stored in config.yml and read by MiNiFi to determine how to connect to NiFi.

This design allows an operator to describe data stream processing that MiNiFi will perform within NiFi using standard NiFi style processors. The processed data will be sent to the remote process group, which is effectively a data sink that is connected to the “NiFi File Receive” input port via configuration.

MiNiFi File Push

This process group sends files from remote NiFi instances to the main NiFi reporting instance. This group does not actually activate on the NiFi instance but is instead exported and then loaded into the SVC MiNiFi instances.

The GetFile node determines where files are read from. It is expected that the moveAndCopyOnWriteComplete-minifi service is run on each service node to copy N2ACD EDRs from the N2SVCD source directory into the MiNiFi input directory (on the SVC itself). Then the MiNiFi instance will copy the file from the service node to the reporting service.

GetFile Configuration for reading ACD EDRs from disk

It is important that the input file format and input directory is correct in this configuration. Note that the Batch Size is set to one by default to have only one EDR file ever read into the MiNiFi internal cache, leaving the rest of the files to move (if any) on disk in the input directory.

In a production environment, it is suggested this is increased slightly to, for example, 10, however due to the speed and efficiency of file transfers it is unnecessary to increase this significantly.

Unlike normal connectors, connectors in NiFi that connect into a “Remote Process Group” actually configure the Input Port (the “MiNiFi EDR” node from the “NiFi File Receive” process group). If the name of the input port changes, this needs updating:

Connector to the Remote Process Group

The most important aspect of configuration, and one that must be done on each environment independently after import of the process group template, is the configuration for the URL of the NiFi host:

Remote Process Group Configuration

The following configuration changes must be applied:

  1. The URL must be set to the URL on which NiFi listens (not the one accessible to external users). Using the installed configuration, this will be the fully qualified host name of the server, port 8080, with the path /nifi. It will be accessible over HTTPS, unless the configuration is changed in This is the internally understood name/host of the NiFi instance should not be the behind a reverse proxy.

The hostnames that NiFi allows can be retrieved by running:


on the reporting server. If this does not work, but is received by NiFi, it will respond with a list of hostnames over which NiFi can be accessed. In this processor node:

  1. The transport protocol must be set to HTTP, unless nifi.remote.input.socket.port is set in

  2. If NiFi cannot be accessed directly by service nodes on port 8080, the HTTP proxy configuration must be configured with the hostname and port that the MiNiFi instances should use to access NiFi on the reporting server. Note that this is a HTTP, not HTTPS, proxy.

  3. If NiFi is configured to use HTTPS not HTTP (i.e. in the and nifi.web.https.port configuration options are set, rather than the equivalent http options), then the URL should be http not https. HTTPS comes with additional requirements, such as client certificates. It is suggested that HTTP is configured first, verified as working, then HTTPS is configured.


Configuring MiNiFi and NiFi to communicate can be challenging. Step through these troubleshooting tips if there are issues:

It is possible for MiNiFi to successful transfer files to NiFi, but receive an error back from NiFi. The error in the minifi-app.log file will be similar to:

[org::apache::nifi::minifi::sitetosite::SiteToSiteClient] [warning] Site2Site transaction 56c99f76-131c-11ee-b2b2-ba51c0187852 peer unknown respond code 14

This error occurs when MiNiFi has read in too many files to stay below the NiFi transfer limit configured for the remote process group. To fix this, in the queue between the Input Port and the PutFile process (in the NiFi File Receive process group), update the Back Pressure Object Threshold to be above the number of files waiting to be transferred. This will require stopping the Input Port & PutFile processes on either side of the queue.

Loading the “MiNiFi File Push” into MiNiFi

To actually have the MiNiFi File Push process group used by MiNiFi instances on the service nodes (which is where it must be used), the configuration must be converted from XML to yaml and then installed as config.yml in /opt/minifi/conf on these nodes.

An example file, /opt/minifi/conf/config.yml.example is installed with the minifi wrapper package. This can be used, with a few changes:

Using the provided config.yml.example

The provided config.yml.example file is the provided file push NiFi process group. However, to use this the configuration file must be edited in a text editor.

First, copy the example file to make a live copy:

cp /opt/minifi/conf/config.yml.example /opt/minifi/conf/config.yml
vi /opt/minifi/conf/config.yml

In the configuration file, make the following changes:

  1. Replace all instances of the GUID 06911d5b-0180-1000-6094-d871a6007738 with the GUID of the MiNiFi EDR input port in the Nifi File Receive process group.

    Three locations in the config file should need replacing.

# diff config.yml.example config.yml
<     name: GetFile/success/06911d5b-0180-1000-6094-d871a6007738
>     name: GetFile/success/20d6c623-fabd-3a8e-1187-f07b22e8866b
<     destination id: 06911d5b-0180-1000-6094-d871a6007738
>     destination id: 20d6c623-fabd-3a8e-1187-f07b22e8866b
<     - id: 06911d5b-0180-1000-6094-d871a6007738
>     - id: 20d6c623-fabd-3a8e-1187-f07b22e8866b
  1. Update the configuration of the Remote Process Groups section, changing the URL and proxy configuration as required to match the deployed solution. I.e. change to the hostname and port configured in for the direct HTTP URL to NiFi.

  2. Restart minifi:

systemctl restart minifi

Creating a new config.yml

To build the config.yml from NiFi, the following actions must be taken on a separate computer (e.g. a laptop or desktop machine):

  1. Download the process group as a template from NiFi. Note to achieve this you must create a template from the process group first, then from the templates list (available from the burger menu in the top-right of the NiFi GUI) download the template.
  2. Using the MiNiFi toolkit (, convert from the XML used by NiFi to the yaml configuration format used by MiNiFi
  3. Copy the resulting file into /opt/minifi/conf on the target machine as config.yml

N2ACD Dataflow Configuration in NiFi

To complete the configuration, the Apache NiFi dataflow configuration for EDR and database processing must be done in the NiFi GUI. Follow the configuration details from the dataflow configuration page to achieve this.

Enabling TLS

MiNiFi can be configured to securely connect to NiFi using TLS/SSL. To achieve this security, MiNiFi uses TLS client and server certificates with an (intermediate) CA managed by NiFi itself.

Due to the design, it is crucial for the MiNiFi configuration to correctly define certificates. It is not possible to, for example, use TLS without verifiable client and server certificates.

Assuming NiFi has been configured to use HTTPS, MiNiFi can be configured to connect securely with NiFi. Note that MiNiFi must be configured for secure communication if NiFi is.

Changes to the MiNiFi configuration for TLS consists of the following differences:


The following configuration fields in /opt/minifi/conf/ must be updated:

Configuration Option Purpose Required Value Informs MiNiFi that NiFi expects TLS communication. true Informs MiNiFi that a client TLS certficate is required. Note that a client certificate may not be required, however the configuration for this setup is outside the scope of this documentation. true The path to the client certificate that NiFi will use when communicating with the server. /opt/minifi/conf/ssl/nifi-rest.crt The path to the client private key that NiFi will use with the client certificate. /opt/minifi/conf/ssl/nifi-rest.key The passphrase to decrypt the key, if one is required. none The NiFi certificate authority certificate, for MiNiFi to verify the server certificate provided by NiFi. /opt/minifi/conf/ssl/nifi-cert.pem

A client certificate must be generated and loaded into NiFi as a trusted client. To generate the files, see the NiFi TLS configuration.