Superset Dashboard Configuration


During N2ACD Reporting Processing Node installation, Apache Superset is installed. This includes the base initialisation steps required to access Superset via GUI.

Accessing N2ACD reporting data using Superset requires the following general high-level steps:

  1. Configure n2reporting database access.
  2. Expose information from the databaes to superset via datasets.
  3. Configure charts to display information visually.
  4. Collect information together into a dashboard, to display a group of charts or other ad-hoc information for combined display.

Superset Configuration

Superset provides comprehensive documentation on importing data and creating dashboards, which is documented on its official site.

This section will cover some basic configuration from the perspective of N2ACD as a starting point.


Superset requires a connection to the reporting database.

  1. Navigate to Data > Databases
  2. Click on + DATABASE to create a new database connection to the reporting database:
Parameter Value
Type PostgreSQL
Host Reporting Database Host/IP
Port Reporting Database Port
Database Name n2reporting
Username n2reporting_reader
Password n2reporting_reader account password
Display Name Reporting Database


For each piece of information to query or chart, a dataset is required.

  1. Navigate to Data > Datasets
  2. Click on + DATASET to create a new dataset:
Parameter Value
Database Reporting Database
Schema n2acd
Table As per Reporting Data Model


Charts are used to visualize data made available via a dataset.

An example chart graphing calls to the ACD platform by their completion state for the last 7 days would be configured as follows:

  1. Navigate to Charts
  2. Click on + CHART to begin the chart creation process.
  3. Select n2acd.gather_summarised_edr for the dataset.
  4. Select Time-series Line Chart for the visualisation.
  5. Configure main fields/parameters as follows:
Parameter Value
Time Column first_event_timestamp
Time Grain Hour
Time Range Custom
Relative Date: Time 7 Days Before
Metrics COUNT(*)
Group By completion_state
  1. Configure customized fields/parameters as follows:
Parameter Value
X Axis Title Date
Y Axis Title Count
Marker Checked
Data Zoom Checked
Show Legend Checked
  1. Save as Number of Calls by Completion State

The result will be a graphed view of call completion e.g.:

Superset Chart Example


Dashboard configuration involves dragging information, such as a chart, onto a canvas and sizing as appropriate for information display.

Superset Dashboard Example

An example dashboard import file is installed with the N2ACD REP package and can be found in the /usr/share/n2acd/etc/superset directory on the reporting server.

File Description
N2ACD_Example_Dashboard.json Example Dashboard with various example pieces of ACD information.

This can be imported via the Settings > Import Dashboards page: Superset Import Page

The dashboard import process contains the following charts and datasets that must not exist prior to the import (or it will fail):

