User Input

The User Input Node

Category - Caller Interaction

the User Input node

The User Input node prompts users to enter a digit string and routes the call based on their input.

The user will be played the Main announcement when the node is first encountered. If the user enters a valid string, the call will continue down the Collected branch. String validity is determined by the Min Digits and Max Digits values.

additional configuration

If the user does not make an input, or enters an invalid string, the Reprompt announcement will be played.

If the number of attempts exceeds the Max. Iterations value (see below), the Not Collected branch will be followed.

If additional configuration options are required, select the arrow icon in the header to display them:

additional configuration

Max. Iterations refers to the total number of attempts the user is permitted before the None branch is followed.

The Buffer selection refers to which of the system buffers the user input should be stored in. These buffers are configured within N2ACD.

Both the End Char and the Cancel Char may be disabled if required.


To configure the node:

  1. Select the Main announcement that is played to the user when the node is first encountered.
  2. Select the Reprompt announcement that is played to the user after an incorrect entry is made.
  3. Enter the minimum number of digits that the entered string must be.
  4. Enter the maximum number of digits that the entered string may be.
  5. If required, set a new value for Buffer.
  6. If required, set a new value for Max Iterations.
  7. If required, set a new value for End Char.
  8. If required, set a new value for Cancel Char.

Note that both announcements must be selected.